Reconstruction of the shoulder's articular rim

The shoulder's articular rim is a structure made up of ring-shaped fibrous cartilage tightly attached to the bony acetabulum. It deepens the acetabulum, so it contributes to the protection of the head of the humerus. The annulus and the joint cyst that attaches along the acetabulum play a key role in ensuring the stability of the joint. They protect it from the head slipping out of the acetabulum. The articular casing is a richly vascularized and innervated structure, which causes severe pain when it is damaged.
Reconstruction of the shoulder's articular rim

Causes of damage to the shoulder's annulus

Damage can result from repeated repetition of certain movements or acute trauma. Among athletes particularly prone to this type of injury are weightlifters, whose training involves repeatedly lifting heavy weights above their heads. Golfers and baseball players are also among those at high risk of injuring the shoulder clavicle.

Tearing of the shoulder's articular clavicle often occurs with acute trauma from a fall on an outstretched arm.

Symptoms of shoulder joint casing damage

  • Shoulder pain that impedes efficient movement of the shoulder joint during various activities or during sports.
  • On examination, discomfort is felt with forced external rotation and 90-degree shoulder joint visit.
  • Sometimes with this type of injury, a characteristic "shooting" may occur.
    In addition, weakness of rotator cuff muscle strength may be observed.

Treatment of the shoulder ring

In lighter cases, non-operative treatment is the basis. Rehabilitation consisting of increasing the range of motion and gradually increasing physical activity can give satisfactory results. If conservative treatment does not bring the expected improvement, or the damage is originally not eligible for non-operative treatment, then surgery is necessary. Shoulder arthroscopy aims to perform plastic surgery on the torn shoulder. Rehabilitation to increase range of motion and strengthen muscle strength should be started immediately after surgery. The prognosis for athletes is generally very good. Specialized training can begin 2-3 weeks after surgery.

Related articles:

Learn about other possible shoulder injuries.



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Lekarz w klinice Rehasport, specjalizuje się w ortopedii i traumatologii narządu ruchu z ukierunkowaniem na leczenie zachowawcze oraz operacyjne schorzeń barku, łokcia oraz nadgarstka. Pracuje nad rozwojem wykorzystania biologii w leczeniu schorzeń ortopedycznych.

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