Preluksation - Ultrasound Examination of Infant Hips

The preluksation examination is one of the most important screenings that should be performed within the first weeks of a child’s life. It usually takes a few to several minutes and is painless as well as non-invasive for the infant.

The first visit to a specialist should take place between the fourth and sixth week of the infant’s life unless otherwise recommended by a pediatrician or neonatologist. Typically, during this visit, the orthopedic specialist schedules the next examination, which should occur in the third month of the child’s life. Any abnormalities detected during the examination may warrant additional monitoring or treatment.

Visit under public healthcare (NFZ):

Rehasport Konin, ul. Szpitalna 43, +48 63 244 44 30
(A referral to a preluksation clinic is required.)

Private visit:

Rehasport Poznań, ul. Górecka 30, +48 616 281 181

Rehasport Konin, ul. Szpitalna 43, +48 63 244 44 30

Ultrasound examination of the hip joints is recommended for all infants in the Polish population. This test helps rule out hip joint deformities that may occur in newborns. Normally, the femoral head rests within the acetabulum, forming a properly functioning hip joint. However, in cases of hip dysplasia, the femoral head may shift, and in severe cases, it may dislocate from the acetabulum. Hip dysplasia can usually be effectively treated with non-surgical methods, provided the problem is detected early, and treatment is initiated promptly. In untreated cases or those treated too late, permanent deformation of the hip joint may occur, requiring surgical intervention.

This examination is available either privately or under an agreement with the National Health Fund (NFZ).


Fizjoterapeutka w Rehasport, specjalistka od rehabilitacji dzieci i dorosłych, stabilizacji tułowia, wad postawy, stanów przeciążeniowych i pourazowych. Koncentruje się na treningu z ciężarem własnego ciała, pracy na tkankach miękkich oraz z wykorzystaniem naturalnych metod leczenia.

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