Water in the knee

Sometimes due to sudden trauma, damage to joint structures and inflammation, joint fluid accumulates. We refer to it as water in the knee. How to deal with it, do you necessarily need to go to the doctor right away, and what are the methods of treatment?
Water in the knee

What is water in the knee?

Water in the knee, also referred to as joint effusion, is a buildup of excess fluid in the knee joint that can result from injury, infection or rheumatologic diseases. Anatomically, a healthy knee has a small amount of synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant and shock absorber. When there is water in the knee, there is an increase in the production of this fluid, leading to swelling, pain and reduced mobility. Causes can include degenerative changes, instability or damage to the meniscus.

What are the causes of fluid in the knee?

The causes of increased fluid in the knee can be varied and most commonly include injuries and bone fractures. Knee injuries, such as sprains, ligament ruptures (such as anterior cruciate ligament ACL damage), meniscus damage, or the effect of a direct blow, can lead to the accumulation of fluid in the knee joint. Also, various forms of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, degeneration of the knee joint (arthrosis) or gout, can cause increased production of joint fluid. Factors that cause water accumulation in the knee include autoimmune diseases such as lupus, tumors or other malignant lesions in the knee, or Baker's Cyst.

Water in the knee - symptoms

  • Swelling - visible and palpable swelling around the knee, which may be asymmetrical compared to a healthy knee.
  • Pain - discomfort or soreness in the knee, which may worsen with movement or stress on the joint.
  • Stiffness - limited mobility of the knee joint, making it difficult to fully bend or straighten the knee.
  • A feeling of heaviness or fullness in the knee, caused by the accumulation of fluid.
  • Warmth - sometimes the knee may feel warmer to the touch compared to other parts of the body.
  • Reduced stability - the knee may appear unstable or prone to “running away” under load.
  • Skin changes - in some cases, the skin over the knee may be tight and shiny due to swelling.
  • Limited function - difficulty walking, getting up from a chair, climbing stairs or performing other daily activities due to pain and stiffness.

Is it possible to recognize water in the knee on your own?

Diagnosing water in the knee on your own can be difficult, but there are some symptoms to look out for. One of the most noticeable symptoms is swelling of the knee. If one knee appears larger than the other, this could be a sign of fluid accumulation in the joint. If movement in the joint is limited and we have difficulty fully bending or straightening the knee, it may be related to the presence of water in the knee.

Is it necessary to go to the doctor when suspecting water in the knee?

If you suspect the presence of water in the knee, you should definitely go to a good orthopedist. The doctor can perform a detailed physical examination and order diagnostic tests. Water in the knee is often a symptom of another health problem, such as an injury, infection, arthritis or other disease. The doctor can identify and treat the root cause of the problem, which is key to a full recovery of the knee.

Water in the knee - diagnosis

  • Medical history - the orthopedist will ask about the symptoms, their onset, severity and any factors that may aggravate or alleviate them. He may also ask about any injuries or chronic diseases.
  • Physical examination - the doctor will examine the knee closely, looking for signs of swelling, redness, warmth and reduced mobility. The examination may include an assessment of knee joint stability, range of motion and pain with various movements.
  • Imaging studies - the orthopedist may support the diagnosis with ultrasound (USG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and x-ray (X-ray).
  • Laboratory tests - blood analysis may be ordered to detect systemic signs of inflammation, infection or autoimmune diseases.

Water in the knee - treatment

Treatment of water in the knee depends on the cause of the accumulation of fluid. First of all, it is recommended to limit physical activity so that the knee has time to recover. In doing so, you should avoid activities that can put undue stress on the knee, such as running or jumping. You can apply cold compresses to the knee several times a day for 15-20 minutes, which will help reduce pain and swelling. However, it is worth consulting an orthopedist, who will prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain, and perform an arthrocentesis in a surgery. This procedure involves removing excess fluid from the knee using a needle. This can provide pain relief and reduce swelling, as well as allow analysis of the fluid to determine the cause of the problem.

If the cause of the water in the knee is an infection, the doctor may assign antibiotics. For autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, treatment may include immunosuppressants and disease-modifying drugs. When gout is the cause, treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood. In rare cases, when other treatments do not work, surgery - knee arthroscopy - may be required. This may involve repairing ligament damage, meniscus damage or removing a cyst.

Can water in the knee recur?

Water in the knee can recur, especially if the underlying cause is not fully treated or if there are factors that predispose to recurrence. Contributing factors may include chronic diseases, untreated injuries, overexertion and excessive physical activity, problems with the biomechanics of the knee joint, and recurrent infections of the knee joint.

Related articles:

Learn about other possible injuries to the knee joint.



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Lekarz w klinice Rehasport, specjalizuje się w ortopedii i traumatologii narządu ruchu, leczeniu małoinwazyjnym kontuzji sportowych, artroskopii stawu kolanowego, prowadzeniu pacjentów z: zespołami przeciążeniowymi, urazami kości, schorzeniami w obrębie ręki.

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