ACL Reconstruction – How Does the Surgery Proceed?

Consultation MICHAŁ BORYS
Tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a very common injury affecting both athletes involved in dynamic sports such as soccer, basketball, or skiing, as well as ordinary individuals in sudden situations. Both scenarios may indicate the need for ACL reconstruction surgery.
ACL Reconstruction

Preoperative Medical Visit

The decision to qualify a patient for surgery is made by an orthopedic surgeon. This takes place at Rehasport Clinic during a preoperative visit, which should occur two weeks before the planned surgery. During the visit, the surgeon explains the ACL reconstruction procedure to the patient and completes the necessary medical documentation. If the patient consents to the surgery, the preparation process for ACL reconstruction surgery at Rehasport Clinic begins.

The next step involves consultation with the patient care coordinator, who explains the preparation procedure for the surgery and informs the patient about the date, time, and location of the procedure. A nurse conducts an interview with the patient to assess potential comorbidities, allergies to medications, and dietary preferences during the hospital stay. The nurse provides information on what to purchase at the pharmacy to care for the wound and avoid potential infections, as well as instructions for preventing thrombosis.

Laboratory Tests

Approximately two weeks before the ACL reconstruction surgery, the patient should undergo laboratory tests. These are performed at one of the laboratory facilities designated by Rehasport, where blood samples are collected (fasting is required), as well as a nasal swab to test for staphylococcus.

Meeting with the Anesthesiologist

A consultation with an anesthesiologist is recommended before the surgery. The laboratory test results are required for this consultation, but the nasal swab results are not necessary. Based on these results, the anesthesiologist qualifies the patient for the ACL reconstruction procedure.

On the Day of Surgery

The patient will stay in the hospital overnight, so they should bring essential personal items, including slippers and short pajama bottoms, which are much more convenient for lower limb surgery. As per the doctor’s recommendations, the patient must obtain crutches in advance, which can also be purchased at the Rehasport store. A physical therapist onsite adjusts the crutches to the patient’s height.

Procedure for ACL Reconstruction

Preparation for Surgery

The patient is positioned on the operating table, and the operated limb is stabilized using special table attachments.

A pneumatic tourniquet is placed on the thigh of the operated leg. After the blood is squeezed out of the limb, the tourniquet is tightened for the duration of the surgery, ensuring a bloodless surgical field.

Surgeon Preparation

The surgeon performs a surgical scrub and disinfection.

The surgeon dons a sterile gown and surgical gloves.

Preparation of the Surgical Field

The surgical site is disinfected by the surgeon and surgical nurse and is secured with sterile, disposable drapes.

Diagnostic Arthroscopy

A thorough examination of the knee joint is conducted to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of Accompanying Injuries

Repair of any associated damage to the menisci or cartilage is performed.

Harvesting Tendons for Reconstruction

Tendons for ACL reconstruction are harvested from a small incision beneath the knee.

Preparation of the Tendons

The harvested tendons are prepared for use in the reconstruction.

Creating Bone Tunnels

Bone tunnels are created in the femur and tibia to accommodate the ligament graft.

Insertion of the Ligament Graft

The prepared ligament graft is inserted into the bone tunnels.

Securing the Ligament Graft

The graft is securely fixed within the bone tunnels.

Stability Check

The stability of the graft is checked to ensure proper positioning.

Wound Closure

The surgical incisions are sutured, marking the end of the procedure.

What Anesthesia is Used for ACL Reconstruction?

Before undergoing ACL reconstruction surgery, the patient receives spinal anesthesia combined with nerve blocks that numb specific areas undergoing surgery. This is regional anesthesia, numbing the body from the waist down.

How Long Does ACL Reconstruction Surgery Take?

The duration of ACL reconstruction surgery depends on whether only the ligament is being operated on or if additional procedures are required, such as repairing menisci or joint cartilage. Generally, the procedure lasts up to two hours, as it is performed in a bloodless field and cannot exceed this time. Most often, a straightforward ACL reconstruction takes about one hour.

How Long is the Hospital Stay?

The patient stays in the hospital for one day. They arrive at the hospital in the morning on an empty stomach, undergo the surgery the same day, and are discharged the following day to return home.

The Day After ACL Reconstruction Surgery

In the morning, the first postoperative medical consultation occurs. The orthopedic surgeon assesses the patient’s well-being, the condition of the operated limb, and provides instructions for further treatment. Following this, a physical therapist gives the patient guidance on postoperative exercises and demonstrates the initial exercises.

How Much Time Off Work is Needed After ACL Surgery?

The length of time off work following ACL reconstruction depends on the patient’s occupation. For office work, sick leave is typically issued for 2–3 weeks, as most patients prefer not to extend their leave unnecessarily. For physically demanding jobs involving walking, squatting, or kneeling, sick leave may extend to 2–3 months.

Follow-Up Treatment After ACL Surgery

As part of the package, the patient receives a free postoperative visit at Rehasport Clinic two weeks after the surgery. During this visit, stitches are removed, the doctor examines the wound, and provides further treatment guidance. Full rehabilitation begins after the stitches are removed. For athletes, this process starts much earlier—often as soon as the third day post-surgery. Rehabilitation at Rehasport Clinic is highly recommended because the physical therapist can consult the patient's case with a doctor at any time, ensuring immediate advice without needing additional appointments.

How Long Are Crutches Needed?

The duration of crutch use depends on the procedure performed. If only the ACL was reconstructed, crutches are typically used for about 2–3 weeks. If the meniscus was also repaired, crutches may be required for approximately six weeks.

How Long Does Rehabilitation Take?

Rehabilitation after ACL surgery typically lasts 3–4 months. However, for a full return to sports, the rehabilitation process can take up to six months.


Specjalista do spraw content marketingu, dziennikarz sportowy i medyczny. Redaktor naczelny magazynu „Poradnik Zdrowie i Sport”, członek Dziennikarskiego Klubu Promocji Zdrowia, współtwórca wielu artykułów medycznych z zakresu ortopedii i urazowości w sporcie.

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Konsultacja merytoryczna

Lekarz w klinice Rehasport, specjalizuje się w ortopedii i traumatologii narządu ruchu, leczeniu chorób zwyrodnieniowych stawów oraz kręgosłupa. Zainteresowania zawodowe koncentruje wokół tematyki ortopedii sportowej i wykorzystania nowoczesnych, małoinwazyjnych technik leczenia.

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