Hip Pain While Walking

Hip pain during walking or movement can have various causes. In younger individuals and athletes, especially following an injury, the issue may stem from intra-articular factors, such as labral tears. In contrast, in older individuals, degenerative changes may be the primary cause of the discomfort.
Hip Pain While Walking

Diagnosing the actual cause of hip pain while walking is not straightforward. Therefore, consulting an orthopedic specialist for a detailed diagnostic process is essential to verify the diagnosis.

Hip Pain While Walking – Active Individuals

In younger individuals leading an active lifestyle or in athletes, especially after prior injuries, the cause of hip pain may be intra-articular, such as a labral tear. In such cases, clicking or snapping in the hip joint may accompany the pain. Very often, the pain originates from periarticular tissues such as muscles, ligaments, muscle attachment sites, or tendons.

The location of the pain is crucial in diagnostics. It is essential to determine whether the pain is felt in the groin area, on the side around the greater trochanter of the femur, in the back near the buttocks, or possibly in the sacroiliac joints and spine. It is also important to note that many patients are treated for spine-related pain, while the actual cause is the hip, and vice versa.

Hip Pain While Walking – Older Individuals

Hip pain while walking may also result from degenerative changes, particularly in older individuals. This condition is often accompanied by restricted mobility of the joint, especially in terms of rotation. The discomfort tends to be severe, and the hip pain while walking can become quite bothersome.

Another issue may involve pain around the greater trochanter of the femur, located on the side of the hip. The causes in this case can also vary. For instance, it could be trochanteric bursitis, which may develop spontaneously or after an injury. Alternatively, the problem could involve the attachment of the gluteal muscles to the femur. Given that this area is subject to significant forces, degenerative changes frequently develop here.

Hip Pain While Walking – Middle-Aged Individuals

A common cause of hip joint pain, especially in middle-aged individuals and amateur athletes, is femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). The problem may originate either in the femoral bone, at the border of the head and neck, where a bony overgrowth causes impingement with the acetabular rim, or within the acetabulum itself. In both cases, this condition leads to symptoms that patients describe as hip pain while walking.

Hip Pain While Walking – Children

Hip pain while walking in children represents a distinct issue and requires a different diagnostic approach. Children may develop various pediatric hip conditions, ranging from transient synovitis, which is generally harmless, to severe bacterial hip infections.

When it comes to hip problems in children, a visit to an orthopedic specialist is essential, along with imaging studies such as X-rays, ultrasound (USG), and blood tests. Overlooking significant symptoms may have serious consequences for a child’s life, potentially leading to the destruction of the hip joint.

Ultrasound examinations of infants’ hips are recommended for all children between the fourth and sixth weeks of life.

Related Articles:
Learn about other potential causes of hip pain.



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Lekarz w klinice Rehasport, specjalizuje się w ortopedii i traumatologii narządu ruchu z ukierunkowaniem na medycynę sportową, chirurgię stawu kolanowego oraz biodrowego. Zajmuje się leczeniem z zastosowaniem technik małoinwazyjnych oraz ultrasonografii w ortopedii.

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