Heel spurs - exercises

Treatment of heel spurs usually involves a conservative approach to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as to improve the function of the foot. Rehabilitation and regular heel spur exercises play an important role.
Heel spurs - exercises

How is heel spur treated?

The basis is conservative treatment to reduce pain and inflammation. The key is to change daily activities to avoid stressing the painful area. Support can be provided by replacing footwear with shoes with adequate arch support and dedicated orthotic insoles, which can help reduce pain by improving pressure distribution and cushioning of the foot. The doctor may also assign non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, as a last resort, refer for surgery involving removal of the bone spur or release of the strained tendon.

Are heel spur exercises effective in treating it?

Regularly performing heel spur exercises is considered an effective way to treat heel spurs, which can provide significant pain relief and improve the function of the foot. These exercises typically focus on stretching the Achilles tendon and lower leg muscles, which can help reduce tension on the fascia (the tendon that stretches along the bottom of the foot) and relieve symptoms.

Heel spur exercises can not only help relieve pain, but also help prevent future heel spur problems. It is a good idea to consult a physical therapist before starting any exercise program, who can customize the exercises and monitor the progress of treatment.

What exercises to do with heel spurs?

Rolling the soleus tendon. Place a ball (the harder, the better) under the foot, carefully move it all over, along and across the edges of the foot. Stop for a moment, in a painful spot, wait until the pain disappears and find another painful spot.

Heel spur - exercise 1

Back band stretch. Sit in a seated position with straight knees, try to extend your spine as far up as possible, as if your head wants to touch the ceiling. Raise your arms above your head, squaring your feet on top of each other (toes pointing at each other). Imagine that you have a package between your hands and want to put it as close to your feet as possible.

Heel spurs - exercise 2

Climb on the toes. Fold a towel, place your toes alone on it, with the rest of your foot resting on the ground. Perform a toe climb, then slowly lower your heels. Perform this a dozen times.

Heel spurs - exercise 3

Stretching the gastrocnemius muscle of the calf. Stand in a crouch. Make sure the knee in the back is straight (otherwise you are stretching another muscle). Bend the knee in front and bend over so that you can feel the whole leg in the back stretch. Try not to pull the heel off the floor.

Heel spur - exercise 4

Stretching the gluteus maximus muscle. Stand in a crouch, bend the knee in the back, then begin to bend the knee in front and lean forward. It is important that the knee in the back is bent all the time. The range of motion will be smaller than when stretching the gastrocnemius muscle, but also try not to pull the heel off the floor.

Heel spurs - exercise 5

Rolling the back strap on a rollator. Support yourself on your hands, you can bend the other leg at the knee and put it on the floor to make it easier to roll. Place your leg on the roller and roll the back of your thigh and then the back of your calf, in several strands, slowly.

Related articles:

Heel spur - causes, symptoms and treatment
Learn about other possible causes of heel pain.


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