Exercises for hallux valgus

Consultation ESTERA PAWLAK
Hallux valgus can become a cause of real pain, causing not only considerable discomfort, but also interfering with daily functioning. Fortunately, our lifestyle can be modified by also introducing the right exercises for hallux, which will help alleviate symptoms and prevent the need for surgery.
Exercises for hallux valgus

How do hallux valgus symptoms manifest themselves?

Hallux valgus, also known as hallux valgus toe, is a deformity that involves lateral bending of the big toe of the foot. They lead to a number of symptoms that can worsen over time.

  • Pain and tenderness - one of the first and most obvious symptoms of hallux valgus is pain in the area of the deformed toe, which can worsen when wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes.
  • Swelling - the area around the joint of the big toe may be reddened and warmer to the touch, and swelling may also appear, making it even more difficult to wear regular shoes.
  • Limited range of motion - as the deformity progresses, mobility in the big toe may be limited, making it difficult to walk and perform various physical activities.
  • Changes in the shape of the foot - the big toe may begin to twist toward the other toes, sometimes leading to additional problems such as corns or even deformities in other toes.

If you experience any symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a good orthopedist to evaluate and recommend appropriate treatment for hallux valgus.

Hallux valgus treatment

Hallux valgus, especially in the early stages of this ailment, can be attempted to correct by performing hallux exercises for a few minutes a day. These are designed to strengthen foot muscles, improve flexibility and reduce pain. They can also help stabilize the foot and improve its function. Hallux exercises are often the first step for people who have been inactive or have led sedentary lifestyles, have limited joint movement or weakened muscle strength, are experiencing joint pain in their toes, or are recovering from surgery to remove hallux valgus.

It is important to consult with an experienced physiotherapist before starting any exercise program, who can assess the condition of the feet and suggest appropriate exercises for hallux valgus tailored to the individual. In some cases, especially when hallux valgus is in an advanced stage, exercises may not be sufficient and surgical treatment may be necessary.

Hallux Valgus Exercises

Exercise for hallux valgus 1
Exercises for hallux valgus so called “short foot” - sitting, place the foot on the ground on three points of support: the heel, the I MTP (metatarsophalangeal) joint and the V MTP joint, try to spread the toes of the foot from 2 to 5, without stubbing them upwards. Bring the I MTP joint closer to the heel by lifting the longitudinal arch of the foot.

Exercise for hallux valgus 2
The treatment of hallux valgus requires working on proprioception of the foot - stand barefoot on a stable surface on one foot, maintaining balance, try to stand for about 1 minute. Do the exercise alternately for one foot and the other. After mastering this exercise, we can increase its difficulty by closing our eyes or adding an unstable ground.

Exercise for hallux valgus 3
Stretching the muscles of the toe and foot - grab the toe, correct its alignment so that it is on axis, and then lift it up as much as possible. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Exercise for hallux valgus 4
Strengthen the muscles of the toe's abduction: grab the toe from the medial side, then lightly resisting with your fingers try to push them with the toe in the medial direction. With the other hand stabilize the other toes of the foot.

Exercise for hallux valgus 5
Exercise to activate the muscles of the foot and toes - ripping a paper towel with your fingers: sitting, put your feet on the paper towel, then try to break the towel with your fingers.

Exercise for Hallux 6
Correcting hallux valgus by stretching the muscles of the toe and foot: sitting, put your foot on the ground, then put the inner edge of the other foot between the toe and the 2nd toe.

Exercise for hallux valgus 7
Stretching the muscles of the toes and foot: grasp the 1st and 5th toes of the foot, then stretch to the limit of pain.

Exercise for Bunions 8
Exercise for hallux valgus to increase toe mobility: while sitting, place your feet on the ground, then lift your heels so that your I to V toes remain on the ground.

Exercise for hallux valgus 9
Strengthening the longitudinal arch of the foot: while standing, place a tennis ball between the heels, then climb up on the toes without dropping the ball.

Exercise for hallux valgus 10
Relaxing the plantar fascia: in a sitting position, place a tennis ball under the foot, then press with the foot on the ball while moving it forward and backward. Do the activity on the entire sole of the foot.

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