• Lateral ankle pain

    Lateral ankle pain

    Pain in the foot and ankle joint is a fairly common problem that occurs in patients, especially those who are physically active. Ankle pain can be related to pain in the bone itself, pain in the tissues around the bone, such as the tendons of the fibular muscles, or it can be pain related to ligament damage, such as after an ankle sprain.
  • Heel spurs - exercises

    Heel spurs - exercises

    Treatment of heel spurs usually involves a conservative approach to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as to improve the function of the foot. Rehabilitation and regular heel spur exercises play an important role.
  • Exercises for hallux valgus

    Exercises for hallux valgus

    Hallux valgus can become a cause of real pain, causing not only considerable discomfort, but also interfering with daily functioning. Fortunately, our lifestyle can be modified by also introducing the right exercises for hallux, which will help alleviate symptoms and prevent the need for surgery.
  • Hallux surgery - how does the surgery of hallux valgus toe go?

    Hallux surgery - how does the surgery of hallux valgus toe go?

    Rehasport Clinic deals with effective surgical treatment of the problem of hallux valgus - hallux valgus toe. Typically, this procedure is used when patients come to the clinic with persistent pain, problems with the selection of footwear and for aesthetic reasons, in which rehabilitation has proved insufficient.
  • Plantar Fasciitis

    Plantar Fasciitis

    The plantar fascia is an anatomical structure that stretches from the calcaneal tuberosity to the toes, helping to maintain the proper shape of the foot and enabling normal walking. Plantar fasciitis is a condition characterized by sudden and severe heel pain. Learn how to treat plantar fascia inflammation below.
  • Ankle Arthroscopy

    Ankle Arthroscopy

    Ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat various conditions of the upper ankle joint or lower ankle joint (talocalcaneal joint). During the procedure, the surgeon, after making small skin incisions of approximately 5 mm, uses a thin fiber-optic camera that transmits images from inside the joint to a video screen and small arthroscopic tools. This allows the surgeon...
  • Flatfoot - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercises

    Flatfoot - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercises

    If the feet are flat and lack an arch, we may experience unpleasant pain, especially during intense physical activity. This condition is called flatfoot, also known as painful flat-valgus foot. Is a flat foot, commonly referred to as "platfus," a cause for concern? Should one immediately seek help from an orthopedist or physiotherapist? The answer is not straightforward, so let's start from the...
  • Heel Pain While Walking

    Heel Pain While Walking

    The causes of foot pain in the heel area are very diverse. Many issues start at a young age, which is why heel pain is often associated with wearing poorly fitted footwear or inappropriate insoles.
  • Ankle Sprain

    Ankle Sprain

    Ankle sprain, commonly referred to as a twisted ankle, is one of the most frequent leg injuries. Every year, thousands of people experience this injury, which occurs when the range of motion in the ankle joint is significantly exceeded. An ankle sprain leads to damage to the joint capsule and ligaments. The vast majority of cases—estimated at around 95%—involve the foot rolling inward.
  • Stress Fracture

    Stress Fracture

    This type of injury, often referred to as an overuse fracture, can occur in various parts of the musculoskeletal system. However, it most commonly affects the tibia, metatarsal bones, calcaneus (heel bone), and fibula.
  • Heel Spur

    Heel Spur

    A heel spur is an extra bony tissue visible on an X-ray as a bony projection or spur on the calcaneus (heel bone). This characteristic sharp bony outgrowth, extending from the heel tuberosity towards the front of the foot, results from prolonged inflammation of the plantar fascia. A heel spur can cause significant pain in the medial region of the calcaneus.
  • Achilles tendon rupture

    Achilles tendon rupture

    The Achilles tendon is a large set of fibers at the back of the ankle joint, the popular ankle, which connects the gastrocnemius muscle to the heel. It is responsible for the up and down movement of the foot, toe climbing and, most importantly, for efficient walking. Its rupture is a serious injury, and downplaying ailments in this area can have unpleasant consequences.
  • Achilles tendonitis

    Achilles tendonitis

    Degeneration of the Achilles tendon (Achilles tendinopathy), or what is colloquially known as "Achilles tendonitis," affects the medial part (between the calcaneal tuberosity and the calf muscles) and results from superimposed micro-injuries of various causes: excessive running, excessive weight (overweight/obesity), improper foot positioning during activity. Overloading, tendon fibrosis and...
  • Hallux valgus

    Hallux valgus

    Embarrassing, unsightly, and perhaps lowering self-esteem... hallux valgus is not just a cosmetic problem. The hallux valgus toe, this is the correct name of the condition, is one of the most common deformities of the front of the foot. Hallux valgus manifests itself as an unnatural bending of the toe and its lateral deviation from the axis towards the other toes of the foot. At the same time, a...