MA Mateusz potoczny
Physiotherapist, Osteopath
About me
Graduate of the University of Physical Education in Poznań and Osteopathy Academy.
Cooperation with:
- Polish Sailing Association
- Handball Association of Poland
- Polish Association of Athletics
- Dental Sense
- incidence of traumas
- sports injuries
- Lower limb
- upper limb
- disorders of the digestive system
- temporomandibular joints
- sport
- Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games
- London 2012 Olympic Games
- Rehasport Clinic Sports Coordinator
- IZOMD S.C Poznań
- Polish Fencing Association
- WKS Grunwald Poznań
- Polish Federation of Rowing Associations
- Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. E. Piaseckiego w Poznaniu
- J. Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Poznań
- Academy of Osteopathy - osteopathic studies
- European Academy of Sport Osteopathy - in progress
Courses and Certificates
- Osteopathic Approach Targeting the Vagus Nerve and the Neuroendocrine-Immune System - Dr Pascal Grolaux, DO, MIO, MICO, MNSAO
- Advanced visceral manipulation of the abdomen. Tutor - Jean-Pierre Barral
- Osteopathy as an initial treatment for paediatric orthodontics. Chairperson Thomas Kaluzny D.O.
- The Sick Belly - presenter Philip Van Caile
- Fascial Manipulation (in progress)
- Trigger Points. Examination, manual treatment and dry needling of musculoskeletal pain syndromes (Traveler&Simons)
- Fascial Distortion Model
- Modern methods of diagnosing and treating soft tissues
- Sports Traumatology;
- Techniques of Muscle Energisation, leading by prof. Leon Chaitow
- Kaltenborn-Evejenth International (ongoing)
- Kinesiology Taping.
- Ackermann College of Chiropractic: Structural osteopathy and gentle chiropractic according to Dr. Ackermann
- Deep massage course.