MD, PhD Joanna niemunis-Sawicka
Graduated from Medical University of Gdańsk. In 1997 she obtained her first and three years later her second degree of specialisation in radiodiagnosis. She received her doctorate in medicine in 2012.
Joanna Niemunis-Sawicka in her professional career was an assistant and senior assistant in the Department of Imaging Diagnostics of the Provincial Specialist Hospital (currently Pomeranian Centre of Traumatology) in Gdansk. She ran the Magnetic Resonance Laboratory of NZOZ "Rezonans u Kopernika" in Gdańsk and currently runs the Magnetic Resonance Laboratory of NCMed in Gdańsk.
Her main medical interests include the diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders, in which he uses all available imaging modalities. In addition, she has been performing invasive arthrographic examinations of joints using CT and MR imaging for many years.
Joanna Niemunis-Sawicka performs minor therapeutic procedures in her ultrasound practice in addition to diagnostics.
She is a member of several scientific societies including. PLTR, PTU, European Society of Radiology (ESR) or the Section of Image Diagnostics of the Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.
For many years, Dr Joanna Niemunis-Sawicka has also been involved in didactic activity, educating specialists, both radiologists and orthopaedists, in the field of image diagnostics.
Medical University of Gdańsk
She has attended many international courses and conferences, below are a few selected ones:
- Budapeszt, 34 Annual Radiology Refresher Course „ Diagnosis and Management of
Musculosceletal Disorders”, 2007 r. - Zurich, “School of MR- Clinical Course on Advanced MR Imaging of the Musculosceletal System”, 2005 r.
- Kraków, STAR – ScheringTraining in Advances in Radiology, 2003 r.
- Belgium, 3 months on scholarship at the University Hospital of Leuven
- Grecja/Kreta ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting 2011